Fingers and Forks
Fingers and Forks
Have you ever eaten a hush-puppy? Did you ever taste toad-in-the-hole?
Do you think you’d like to try baked snails—or boiled octopus—or
frozen fish eyes?
Every one of these foods is popular in some part of the world. Two of
them, toad-in-the-hole and hush-puppy, are really just funny names that
have been given to certain foods. The others may seem strange, but many
people enjoy them—and you might, too, if you tried them!
We love to eat, and people in every part of the world have their
favorite foods. Some foods are plain, some are fancy, some are spicy,
some are sweet. Some foods are baked, some are boiled, some are fried.
Some foods are eaten with forks, some with spoons, and some with
fingers. Some foods we love and some seem awful. And some foods are so
good they have been adopted by people all over the world.

Rare, medium, or well done
How you like your meat done is mostly a matter of personal taste. But where you grow up can have a lot to do with the kind of meat you like best. The United States and Argentina raise a lot of…

Food from the water
You’re at a smorgasbord—a big Scandinavian meal— in Sweden. A long table is filled with all kinds of fish, meat, and other food. You can take as much as you want. You can go back for seconds and…

Reindeer milk and yak butter
“Milk comes from the reindeer. Everyone knows that.” Paavo pushed back his brightly colored hat to scratch his head. “At least I thought everyone knew that,” he said. “My father has the finest herd…

The first man-made food
It is the oldest of all foods made by man. It comes in all shapes and sizes. It is called “the staff of life.” More people eat it than any other kind of food. In the United States, its name is a…