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Circuses and carnivals

Circuses and carnivals

A shopping center or mall is a good place to find variety stores,
sporting goods stores, shoe stores, and many other stores in which to
buy things. At certain times of the year, it might also be a great place
to go to have fun, especially if a circus or carnival has come to the
parking lot.

Sometimes an entire town or city can have a carnival to celebrate a
special occasion or event. This happens each year during the second
weekend of May in Valletta, Malta. At first, the carnival celebrated the
end of the dark winter and the start of spring.

Now, the carnival begins with costumed young people doing a sword dance
called the Parata. The dance, as well as the carnival, celebrates the
Maltese victory over the Turks in 1565. The carnival includes a big
parade with decorated floats, bands, and masked marchers.

If you can’t go to the carnival in Valletta, Malta, perhaps you can go
to a circus in Romania. At the Romanian circus, you’ll thrill to the
tricks of performing elephants. You’ll shiver as an animal trainer gets
big wild cats to do tricks. You’ll catch your breath as people swing
from trapezes or walk a tightrope high above you. And you’ll laugh at
the silly things the clowns do.

Does a Romanian circus seem like one you’ve been to? Of course it does.
That’s because circuses are very much the same everywhere in the world.
They are great places for children and grown-ups to have fun.

Time for Fun

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