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A house for all seasons

A house for all seasons

It might be fun to have a house for each season. How about a bamboo
house with a thatched roof for warm, rainy spring days? On hot, dry
summer days, a house with thick, mud walls is a cool place. Then for
brisk fall days, you could have a sod house to keep out cool winds and
chilling rains. And for winter, a snow igloo could keep you snug and

Of course, your houses wouldn’t last long in such changing weather. And
building a new house every few months would be an awful bother. So
people who live where there are changing seasons build their houses out
of materials that will last a long time.

Wood, stone, brick, and concrete stand up well under snow, rain, wind,
and sun. To keep houses warm in winter, people put in stoves,
fireplaces, and furnaces. And windows, awnings, fans, and air
conditioners help to keep houses cool when the weather turns hot.

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