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Whom will I look like?

Whom will I look like?

I have been growing ever since that time. Sometimes I wonder whom I will
look like when I grow up. Will I look like my father? Will I be as tall
as he is? Will I look like my mother? Will I have pretty hands like

I will look a little like both my father and my mother. And I will look
a little like my grandparents and my great-grand­parents as well.

Something was passed along to me from both of my parents in the egg cell
and the sperm cell that joined to become me. In the egg cell in my
mother were tiny things

called genes. In the sperm cell that came from my father there were more

Each of the genes was like an order. One of the genes was an order for
height. An­other was an order for hair color. Still another was an order
for eye color. There were thousands of such orders. All together these
orders were like a building plan. All together they told my body how to
grow into the special person that is me.

Whom will I look like when I grow up? I will look a little like my
father … a little like my mother . . . a little like my grand­parents.
Mostly, I will look like ME.

Dad looks like his parents.

Sister and Brother look like Dad, Mother, Grandma, and Grandpa.

Brothers and sisters are a little alike because they have genes from the
same parents. But their genes aren’t exactly alike. Identical twins look
alike because their genes are alike or nearly alike.

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