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When I am grown (girl)

When I am grown (girl)

I am a little girl now. But one day I will be a woman.

Now, I am kind of straight up and down. But one day my body will be more

Now, my voice is a child’s voice. But one day it will be a woman’s

I like little babies. One day, when I am a woman, I may get married and
have a baby of my own to love and care for.

I am not ready to be a mother now. My body is not ready to help make a
new life begin. But the parts of me that I will need to have a baby are
inside my body, grow­ing up with me.

Two small organs, called ovaries, are inside me, near my hip bones. The
ovaries make tiny eggs. Below my stomach, there is another organ called
a uterus. When an egg leaves one of the ovaries, it moves down into the
uterus. Then it may join with a male sperm cell to start a new life. It
is here, in the uterus, that a baby grows and waits to be born.

One day, when all of me is grown up, I will be able to have a baby. I
will be able to take care of a baby.

I think I will like that.

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