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What’s right? What’s wrong?

What’s right? What’s wrong?

I wonder about other kinds of things, too. I wonder:

Why was I made?

What am I on earth for?

What does being alive mean?

What makes me think?

What makes me feel?

How do I know what is right?

How do I know what is wrong?

Why do I do what I do when I do it?

How do I decide to do what I do?

These are very hard things to wonder about. They are too hard to think
about all by myself. I need to know more things than I can find in

What do I do?

I ask my father and mother about things like this. We talk about them.
We try to find answers together.

My dad says that hunting for answers to questions like these can help me
know myself. He says I won’t find all the answers all at once, but I
will find the beginnings of answers that will grow as I grow and guide
me in everything I do.

Even though I can’t always understand all of the answers to hard
questions, I’m glad I have a mind that wonders and thinks and hunts for

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