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The me that I can’t see

When I look at a model of a human body, I can see what’s inside my body.

The me that I can’t see

What does the inside of me look like? What’s inside my finger, my head,
my chest? I know many of the things that are in there.

I have bones. I touch my fingers and toes and feel the bones. I feel
bones when I touch my ribs or head or elbows.

I have muscles. I touch the upper part of my arms and feel the muscles.
When I eat, I touch my jaws and feel the muscles that help me chew.

I have blood. I’ve seen my blood. Once I cut myself and some blood came

I have lungs. I feel my chest move in and out when I breathe. That means
my lungs are working.

I have a heart. When I put my hand on my chest, I feel a thumping.
That’s my heart beating.

I have tonsils. I can see part of my ton­sils if I open my mouth, stick
out my tongue, and look in a mirror. My tonsils are at the back of my
mouth, on each side.

I have a stomach. If my stomach is empty, it may rumble. If I fill it
too full, I may have a stomach-ache.

I have a brain. I use my brain to think. And my brain helps me know what
I see, taste, smell, hear, and touch.

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