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Pain is a signal

Pain is a signal

Once in a while some part of me hurts. Nerves send messages to my brain.
The messages say that a part of me is not well. The pain is a signal. My
brain understands.

I do not like pain. But if I did not have pain, I wouldn’t know that
something- needed fixing. When I have a pain I tell my parents or my
teacher where it hurts.

Sometimes I have a pain in my stomach. Once I had a stomachache that
went away when my mother gave me some medicine. But once I had a bad
pain in my stomach. The doctor thought I might have appendicitis. He
wanted me to have a blood count.

A laboratory technician at the hospital took a drop of my blood. People
in the laboratory looked at it through a micro­scope. They looked to see
if the numbers of red cells and white cells were correct.

My blood count was all right. That meant my appendix was all right. The
doctor said maybe I had eaten too many green apples. But the pain was a
signal, and I paid attention to it.

I am not a crybaby, but I sometimes cry when I hurt. Even crying can be
helpful. It seems to make the pain better. And it tells people that I
really hurt.

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