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Outside my eye

Outside my eye

Ouch! Something’s in my eye! I’m not crying, but my eye is. It’s crying
tears just as if I really were sad. That happens whenever specks of dust
and dirt get past my eyelashes and into one of my eyes. Tears wash away
the specks.

In fact, I always have tears in my eyes. That’s why my eyes look shiny.
The tears come from little holes behind my eyelids. When I blink, my
eyelids spread the tears across my eyes. The tears clean my eyes and
keep them wet. If I try not to blink, my eyes start to sting. That’s
because they’re drying off and need more tears.

If I could look behind my eyelids I’d see that my eyes are almost as
round as balls. That’s why they’re called eyeballs.

My eyeballs are in my skull. They are protected by bones and layers of
fat around them. If something hits my face, the bones are hit first and
my eyeballs are not usually harmed.

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