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Noses know me

Noses know me

Flowers smell sweet. Clean clothes smell clean. A dog smells doggy. A
fish smells fishy. Everything has its own special scent. And so do I.

A bloodhound could find me if I were lost. My scent gets into my shoes
and clothing. As I walk along, a little of my scent remains on the
ground and on anything I touch. The bloodhound would follow me by
smelling the ground and following my footsteps. He would follow my scent
until he found me.

Because I have a special scent, I can send a letter to my cat when I am
away from home. I wipe my face and hands with a paper tissue. I fold the
tissue and put it in an envelope and mail it. My cat knows I sent the
letter to her when she sniffs the tissue, because no one else has a
scent exactly like mine.

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