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My skin covers me

My skin covers me

My skin is tough. I scratch it and scrub it and scrape it and rub it.
Sometimes I bruise it or cut it. But it always grows back.

Tiny bits of color are in my skin. They make my skin black or brown or
red or yellow oi’ white or freckled.

The color in my skin helps protect me from sunburn. The sun’s rays don’t
pass through the bits of color very well.

My skin does more than just cover me. It helps to cool me and it helps
to warm me.

Tiny holes called pores are in my skin. When I’m hot, drops of sweat
come out through the pores. As the sweat dries, I feel cooler.

When I’m cold, my pores close and no sweat gets out. Sometimes when I’m
cold I shiver. Shivering helps to warm me. It is caused by tiny muscles
moving in my skin.

If I get cold suddenly, the tiny muscles tighten. You might almost say
my skin shrinks. When that happens, the hairs on my body stand up
straight and their folli­cles make little bumps under my skin. I call the
bumps “goosebumps.”

Skin can be light or dark.

When I’m hot, I sweat.

When Fm cold, I get “goosebumps.”

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