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My navel

My navel

In the middle of my belly is a mark. It is my navel. Sometimes I call it
my “belly- button.” I used to wonder why it was there. Now I know.

In the months before I was born, I lived inside my mother. I was joined
to her by a kind of tube called the umbilical cord. The cord was joined
to me in the middle of my belly. Through it, I received the food and
oxygen I needed to live and grow. Through it, wastes left my body.

For nine months I lived and grew be­cause this cord joined me to my

When I was big enough to live by myself I left my mother’s body. I was

Now I could drink milk.

Now my kidneys and intestines could get rid of wastes for me.

Now I could breathe with my lungs.

I didn’t need the umbilical cord any­more. The doctor cut the cord right
after I was born. In a week or so, all that was left was the “button” in
the middle of my belly, my navel.

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