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My muscles

My muscles

My body is filled with muscles.

Deep inside of me, muscles help my body work properly. Muscles help food
move through my body. And muscles help air move in and out of my lungs.

Some of my muscles are fastened to my bones, and these muscles help me

Muscles work in groups. In my arms, the biceps and the triceps muscles
work together. If I bend my arm, I can feel the biceps in my upper arm.

Some muscles that must do big jobs are joined to my bones by strong,
tough cords called tendons. I can feel tendons on the insides of my
wrists and at the backs of my ankles. The tendon in my ankle is called
the Achilles’ tendon. It joins my calf muscles to my heel.

My chest muscles help me breathe.

My leg muscles help me run and skip.

My arm muscles help me lift and carry things.

My neck muscles help me hold up my head.

The muscles in my face help me wink and smile and make a funny face.

In the pictures, some muscles can be seen in the boy’s body that cannot
be seen in the girl’s. They can be seen in the boy because his body is

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