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My kidneys and other organs

My kidneys and other organs

In my back, just below my ribs, on each side of my spine, are my
kidneys. My kid­neys are about half as big as my heart. They are shaped
like beans.

Kidneys do an important job for my body—they help keep my blood clean.

My blood takes waste products, things my body cannot use, away from my
cells. My blood passes through my kidneys, and my kidneys take the waste
products out of my blood.

The liquid from my kidneys is called urine. Urine leaves my kidneys
through two tubes called ureters. The urine goes into my bladder. From
there, it leaves my body through another tube called the urethra.

Also shown in the pictures are some of the organs girls or boys will
need when they grow up and wish to become mothers and fathers. In the
girl, these organs are the ovaries, the uterus, and the vagina. In the
boy, these organs are the testicles.

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