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My heart and blood

My heart and blood

My heart is about as big as my fist. Each side of it works.

The right side receives blood from the rest of my body. It pumps the
blood to my lungs. In my lungs, blood takes oxygen from the air.

The left side of my heart receives fresh blood from my lungs. It pumps
the blood back through my body.

Arteries carry fresh blood from my heart to all the parts of my body.
But the arteries from my heart to my lungs carry used blood. On the next
page, arteries are red except for the arteries between the lungs and

Veins carry used blood from all the parts of my body to my heart. But
the veins from my lungs to my heart carry fresh blood. On the next page,
veins are blue except for the veins between the lungs and heart.

The doctor can take my pulse to find out how fast my heart is beating.
My pulse shows how fast the blood is being pushed through the artery in
my wrist.

Boys and girls have exactly the same kinds of veins and arteries. In the
picture, the girl shows what they look like and the boy shows how they

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