My brain takes care of me
My brain is busy taking care of me even when I don’t think about it. My
lungs breathe in fresh air and breathe out used air. My heart pumps
blood through my body. My stomach and intestines digest my food even
while I’m sleeping. My brain is always sending messages through my
nerves to make these things happen.
When my body needs to get rid of wastes, nerves in my bladder and rectum
send messages to my brain. My brain tells me about the messages.
Sometimes when I’m sick I throw up. My brain tells the muscles in my
chest and stomach what to do, and the food in my stomach rushes back up
my esophagus and out my mouth. My mouth tastes sour after I throw up
because of the stomach juices mixed with the food.
My brain tells me when I’m sleepy. When I’m asleep, it sends messages to
my muscles to keep me from rolling off my bed. When I’ve slept long
enough, my brain awakens me.
I’m glad I don’t have to think about getting so many jobs done. If I did
I’d never have time for fun!
My nerves carry messages from my brain to my heart, my stomach, and to
other organs in my body. The messages keep these organs working. I don’t
have to think about them.