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My body does wonderful things

My body does wonderful things

All the parts of me work together, helping each other.

My lungs take air into my body. My brain, muscles, and bones help my

In order to move, my bones need help. My muscles help my bones move.

My brain thinks and sends messages to all the parts of me. My brain
needs oxygen. It gets oxygen from my blood.

My bones, muscles, brain, lungs, heart, nerves, and stomach all help
each other. I take care of my body so it can do all these things.

I keep clean. I brush my teeth. I take baths. I wash my hands before I

I eat the kinds of food my body needs to grow, to keep warm, to work

I get plenty of sleep.

I get lots of fresh air. I run and jump and climb and play games. This
helps my muscles grow strong.

I’m careful about touching sharp things. I’m careful about where I swim.
I’m careful about crossing streets.

I’m human, and I’m made of human parts. I don’t have a bear’s hair or a
hen’s skin or a gull’s skull or a fly’s eyes or a steer’s ears. I’m me,
and all my parts .work together to make me what I am. Taking care of
me—that’s my job!

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