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Marks that are mine

No one else has fingerprints, handprints, or footprints exactly like

Marks that are mine

If I press my finger on a window, I can see the fingerprint I leave
there. No one in the world has fingerprints exactly like mine. And my
footprints are different from everyone else’s, too.

I look at my fingertips and I see many tiny lines. These lines form
designs of loops and circles. Each finger has a differ­ent design. I have
10 fingers and 10 dif­ferent fingerprints.

There might be somebody somewhere who looks almost like me. But that
person’s fingerprints would be different from mine.

In the hospital where I was born, there is a folder with my name on it.
In the folder is a print of my foot. The other tiny babies in the
hospital may have looked almost like me. But their foot­prints were
different from mine.

Millions of children have tens of millions of fingerprints and
footprints. But the marks made by my fingers and my feet are mine alone.

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