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Look at my voice

Look at my voice

No one’s voice is exactly like mine. And my voice isn’t always exactly
the same. But people usually know me by my voice.

I use my lips, my tongue, and my teeth when I speak. I also use the soft
part in the roof of my mouth and the muscles in my jaws, my nose, and my
throat. These parts of me are different in some way from any other
person’s. And the way I use these parts is different from the way some
other person uses his voice parts.

A special machine can print a picture of my voice. When I speak, the
machine changes the sounds I make into lines that make a picture. Then
the machine prints the picture on a piece of paper.

I can do many things with my voice to make it sound different. I can
make it high. I can make it low. I can hold my nose or talk through a
handkerchief. I can pretend that I am very old and make my voice shake.
All of these things can make my voice picture look a little bit

These are pictures of the same voice saying “you.” The two pictures
are alike in many ways.

These are pictures of the voices of four people saying “you.” Each
picture is very different from the others.

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