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Keeping my balance

Keeping my balance

My inner ear does more than help me hear. It has another big job it
helps me keep my balance.

It helps me stay upright when I am moving. And it helps me stay upright
when I am standing still.

Inside my inner ear are three small hollow loops filled with liquid.
These are my balance tubes. At the bottom of each loop are tiny cells
that look like hairs. Leading from each hair-cell is a nerve.

When I move my head, the liquid in the loops moves across the
hair-cells. The nerves send messages to my brain. Then my brain sends
messages to the muscles in my body. These messages help me keep my
balance when I walk or run or skip or hop or jump.

The parts of my ear

The balance tubes are a part of my ear that is inside my head. Other
parts of my inner ear help me to hear. You can read about these other
parts on pages 80 and 81.

Parts that help me keep my balance

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