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It’s my face

It’s my face

I don’t think about my face very often, because I live behind it. But
other people notice it. Sometimes they don’t seem to believe I look like

Grandma thinks I’m like her side of the family.

Mother says I’m like her. But Dad says he thinks I’ll look like him when
I grow up.

Uncle Bill says we have funny faces.

And everyone says my brother and I look as much alike as twins.

But my face doesn’t really look exactly like anyone else’s.

My eyes are blue. Mother’s are brown.

I have freckles. Dad hasn’t a one.

Grandma’s face is kind. But she has wrinkles. I looked and looked, and I
can’t see one wrinkle on my face.

Uncle Bill is jolly and we laugh a lot to­gether. Maybe when we’re
laughing we look a little alike. But not very much.

My brother does have freckles like mine, and blue eyes like mine. But
his ears stick out more than mine do.

Maybe I look a little bit like Mothei’ and Dad and Grandma and Uncle
Bill and my brother. But no face anyplace is exactly like mine.

I think I look like ME.

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