In my new home
After a few days in the hospital my mother and I were ready to go home.
The nurse dressed me, wrapped me in a blanket, and handed me to my
My father came. He looked at the bracelet on my wrist. “This baby’s
ours,” he said. He hugged my mother and me. And then all of us went
home, my father, my mother, and me.
I had many things to do in my new house. At first I just cried and ate
and slept. I ate both day and night. I yawned. I slept, and I slept some
After a while I stayed awake longer each day. I learned to like my bath.
I even learned to splash in the water. I liked to stretch and stretch.
I grew. And I learned some more things. I learned to know my parents’
voices. I learned to know my name. I turned my head when they called me.
My mother said, “How fast our baby is growing!”
I kept on growing and learning. I gurgled when my mother fed me. I
learned to play with my fingers and to shake my rattle. After a while I
could even sit up. Then I could see all around me.
“Our baby is growing up,” my father said.
Each day I found something new to play with—first my fingers, then my
I learned to like my bath. I liked the feeling of warm water on my
I get to know my big sister. She is already one of my favorite