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I will always be me

I will always be me

I was [me]{.underline} when I was a baby. I am me now. And I will still
be [me]{.underline} when I grow up.

Some things about me are different than they were when I was a baby. My
body is bigger and stronger than it was. I can do things now that I
couldn’t do when I was a baby. And I have learned lots of new things.

When I grow up, some things about me will be different than they are
today. My body will grow even bigger and get even stronger. I will learn
more, and I will be able to do even more things than I can do now.

But while I am growing, some things will stay the same. I will still
have my family and friends and other special peo­ple in my life. I will
still like many of the same things. I will still have my own thoughts
and feelings. And I’ll have my own special times to remember. All of
these things are an important part of being me. So, even though I grow
and change, I will still be me.

I’m human, and I have a human body. It’s nice to know that I’m a little
like all the other people in the world.

But my body is not exactly like anybody else’s. The cells in my bones,
in my muscles, in my brain, in all the parts of me, are like no other

My face is mine alone.

My voice is not like anyone else’s.

My fingerprints are my marks, and nobody else can make marks like them.

And there’s more, because there’s more to me than just my body. I’m
special in other ways, too:

the way I alone think about things;

the way only I feel about


the things I myself think important;

how I use my mind, my hands, my special talents;

all together, these make me different from every other person in the

\| There’s Nobody Exactly Like Me

What does Me mean to Me?

I know some of the answer.

I know some ways in which I am different from every other person. But I
don’t know all the ways.

I’ll have to think about it.

It might take a long, long time.

It might even take most of my life to find the answer.

It’s worth thinking about, though.

While I’m figuring out more of the answer, I’ll just be glad I’m
me – exactly as I am.

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