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I like animals

I like animals

They creep, they crawl, they leap, they fly. They make strange noises.
That’s why I like to watch and listen to animals. I like the look of
soft, smooth fur and shiny feathers.

Sometimes I try to copy the sounds of animals, or I try to move the way
animals move. I write poems and paint pictures to tell how animals look
to me.

The Runaway Tiger

Once upon a time in the middle of the night (about 12:00) a little tiger
ran away because his mother had said “shut up” to him.

They lived in the forest where hardly any trees grew, but he ran away
and got lost.

Fortunately his mother found out in the morning. She went out and looked
for him. She hunted all morning (6:45 to 12:00) and three hours again in
the afternoon. Finally she found him curled up in a pile of leaves! She
said she was sorry and he said he was sorry, too. They both said they
loved each other and they lived happily ever after.

Charles McDermott, Age 8, Illinois


Soft and furry, Never in a hurry.

Stacey Cortwright, Age 8, Illinois

The Long Snake

I have a snake

That’s long and greenish.

When I pick him up I get all squeamish.

Gregory Cooper, Age 9, New York

Beautiful peacocks!

Beautiful cardinals! Beautiful red wings!

I love them all.

Lisa Heron, Age 6, Wisconsin

Some birds are yellow, And some birds are white. Big birds are heavy,
Little ones are light.

Some birds fly fast, Some birds fly slow.

Others don’t fly, They just stay low.

Easter Miller, Age 9, Texas

A paper costume by Jennifer Stebbing. Age 9, Illinois

A painting by Ryoto Tamai, Age 4, Japan

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