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I go to the emergency room

I go to the emergency room

If I get very sick all of a sudden or if I have an accident, I go to the
emergency room of the hospital.

Nurses and doctors in the emergency room work quickly. They don’t talk
much. They may even seem unfriendly at first. But they are just very
busy. They know the best way to take care of me.

If I have swallowed something bad they must work fast to get it out. If
I have cut myself, they must stop the bleeding. The cut must be cleaned
and fixed. If I have had a bad fall I must be checked for broken bones.

The doctor felt my arm.

It hurt. “She must have an X ray,” the doctor said.

A technician put a bandage on my arm. Then he put wet plaster over the
bandage. The plaster dried into a cast that kept my arm still until it

The doctor showed me my X ray. I could see where the bone was broken.

The doctor may need an X ray to see if something inside of me was hurt.
I may have to have my leg or arm put in a cast. A cast is made of
plaster. It is stiff and keeps my broken bone from moving until it is

Sometimes there are other patients in the emergency room besides me. The
nurses and doctors must take care of all of them.

The lights are very bright. I hear water running and metal clinking and
people talking in low voices. Sometimes I hear someone crying.

When I am all fixed up I say good-by to the nurses and doctors. I thank
them for helping me. Then I go home.

It was fun asking my friends to write on my cast. After the doctor
took the cast off, my arm felt a lot better.

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