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I am born

I am born

Early one morning my mother felt a pushing inside her. The pushing
stopped, then it started. It stopped and started, stopped and started
again. Each time the pushing became stronger.

My mother knew what the pushing meant. It was a signal that I was ready
to be born. The muscles of her uterus were pushing me out into the

My father took my mother to the hos­pital. She was not sick, but she and
I needed help. The doctors and nurses would help us.

In the hospital, a nurse took my mother to a special room where babies
are born. The muscles of her uterus were pushing harder and harder. My
mother waited. At last my head pushed out of her body, through her
vagina. Slowly, slowly, the rest of me came out, too.

My mother heard me cry. She smiled. Then the doctor cut the cord that
joined me to her. I no longer needed it.

When it was time to go to the hospital, Father helped Mother get ready.

I left Mother’s body. The doctor helped me breathe He held me up so
Mother could see me.

Father came to Mother’s hospital room to see us. I held his finger in my

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