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Getting ready

Getting ready

I said to my father and my mother, “Someday I will grow up. I will leave
home. When that day comes, will I be ready?”

“Yes,” said my father. “You were getting ready to leave home when you
took your first step. Getting to know your family, your house, your
block, your school, and your town are all part of getting ready to leave

My mother said, “Your growing-up years are filled with things for you to
explore. You will keep forever the things that you learn. They will be
there for you to use when you need them. You will be ready.”

I like to explore new places. I also like to go back to favorite places
and to the people I like. When I go back, my five senses help me
remember the places and the people I have known. I always learn
something new.

If I have children of my own, I will take them to my old house. I will
show them around. I will say, “This is where the floor used to squeak.
And right here is where my cat used to sleep.”

I will hear my children say, “Grandpa, Grandma.” My senses will help me
explore this home I once knew.

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