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Food to grow on

Some foods help my body grow and grow.

Some foods help my body stay warm.

Some foods help my body work properly.

Food to grow on

Sometimes I don’t wear out my shoes

I grow out of them. My baby shoes are much, much too small for me now.
But Dad’s shoes are much, much too big. I wonder how big my feet will
grow to be.

My feet and I are bigger than we were last year. And, my feet and I will
be even bigger next year. That’s because I am growing. Food helps me to

I keep warm. No matter how cold the day, my body stays comfortably warm
inside. It takes food to keep me warm.

All the parts of my body work together as a group. My body needs food to
work smoothly.

Some foods help me grow.

Some foods help me stay warm.

Some foods help my body work prop­erly.

I don’t have to tell my body which food is which. I just swallow the
food, and my body digests it and uses it as it is needed.

But how does all that happen? How do hamburgers and beans and tomatoes
and milk and bread and apples turn into the kinds of things my body can

This is how it happens.

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