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Bumps, bruises, and blisters

Bumps, bruises, and blisters

One clay, I got in a fight with another boy and bruised my eye.

Sometimes I bump my ankle or my leg or my elbow. The bump pushes a
muscle against a bone, and tiny veins and arteries break. I have a

A bruise is a kind of an upside-down cut. When I cut myself, blood comes
out of the cut. But blood does not come out of a bruise. Instead, it
moves below the top layer of my skin. The blood shows through my skin as
dark blue or black.

As the bruise heals, it may change color. Sometimes it changes to
purple, then to lavender, then to yellow. Each color is lighter than the
last. This means that the blood is moving back into my body. The bruised
muscle is getting well.

One time I burned my hand on the bar­becue grill. The burned spot puffed
up. I had a blister. A blister is kind of a puffy little pocket in the
layers of my skin. The top layer of skin pulls away from the layers
under it, and the space fills with liquid. The top layer keeps germs
from getting into the blister.

My cells start to do their healing job just as they do when I have a
cut. Slowly the liquid moves back into my body, and my blister heals.

I had a blister. I was careful not to break it and let germs get in.

I kept my hands clean. After a while the blister healed.

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