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Before I was born

Before I was born

Where was I before I was born? I was warm and safe inside my mother’s
body, in a special place beneath her stomach. I was there because my
mother and my father loved each other and wanted me. This is how it

Inside of my mother was a special kind of cell—an egg. It was smaller
than a grain of salt, smaller than the tiny dot I make with my pencil.

Inside of my father was another special cell called a sperm. It was
smaller even than the egg, smaller than the tiniest speck of dust.

The sperm cell and the egg cell came together inside my mother’s body.
They became one cell. When that happened, a new life began, my life. I
began to be the child I am now.

An egg is smaller than a tiny dot. A sperm is even tinier. But when an
egg and a sperm come together, a new life begins.

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