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Answers for me

Answers for me

I wonder and I find the answers.

Dogs have extra-sharp hearing. My dog knows me by my footsteps.

Some people are left-handed because the part of their brain that directs
their left hand is stronger than the part that directs their right hand.

I yawn because I’m sleepy. The great gulps of air bring extra oxygen
into my body. Then I feel more wide awake.

When I swallow, a little lid called the epiglottis closes over my
trachea. Food slides past my trachea and into my stomach.

Here’s why I have hiccups. My dia­phragm jerks, pulling air into my
lungs. If my epiglottis is closed, the air smacks into it. This moves my
vocal cords, and a hie sound comes out.

Cutting my hair and nails doesn’t hurt because there are no nerves in my
hair and nails. I feel pain only in those parts of my body where I have

My “funny bone” is really a “funny nerve.” This nerve lies close to the
surface near my elbow. When I bump it, the nerve is touched. I feel the
tingles right down to my fingertips.

I understand answers to my questions because I have a mind.

I learn by looking. That’s how I know that caterpillars have feelers to
guide them when they crawl.

Sometimes when I’m shopping

I see things that puzzle me.

I ask about them. That’s another way to learn.

I know about places, people, and things I’ve never seen because I’ve
read about them.

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