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All those people

All those people

Some children have many brothers and sisters.

Some children have only one or two brothers or sisters.

And some children have no brothers or sisters at all.

But all children have grandparents. I have two grandmas and two

One of my grandmas is my father’s mother, and one of my grandmas is my
mother’s mother.

One of my grandpas is my mother’s father, and one of my grandpas is my
father’s father.

I have aunts and uncles, also.

Some of my aunts are my mother’s sisters, and some are my father’s

Some of my uncles are my father’s brothers, and some of my uncles are my
mother’s brothers.

My aunts and uncles have husbands and wives, and they are my uncles and
aunts, too.

Most of my aunts and uncles have children. The children are my cousins.

My parents have many brothers and sisters, so I have many uncles and
aunts and cousins. There are many families. We are related to each
other. Together, we form one big family group.

My family tree

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