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Work and play

Thoroughbred Horse

Thoroughbreds are slim, handsome horses that can run fast. They are
raised for riding and jumping.

Work and play

Horses have been useful to people for thousands of years. People used to
do much of their traveling by riding on horses or in carriages that
horses pulled. Horses pulled plows and wagons on farms.

Today, machines do most of the work that horses once did. But horses are
still raised for riding, racing, and other sports. And in some parts of
the world, horses still do a lot of work, too.

In Turkestan, horses are trained for a game called Buzkashi. They must
be able to stop, turn, and kneel, quickly.

Bactrian Stallions

Big, strong horses are raised to pull heavy wagons such as those in
circus parades.

Clydesdale Horses

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