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Which is the strangest fish?



Which is the strangest fish?

There are thousands of kinds of fishes. If you tried to choose the
strangest fish in the world, you’d have a hard time.

The mudskipper has a head like a frog and a body like a fish. It often
crawls onto land. It can jump up and catch flying insects in its mouth.

An archerfish can shoot its food. The archerfish swims at the top of the
water. A beetle comes buzzing past. The fish shoots a stream of water
from its mouth. The water hits the beetle and it falls down. The
archerfish gobbles it up.

A fish called a cowfish has points on its head that look like horns.

The elephant-nose mormyrid has a long nose that looks like an elephant’s

A puffer fish can fill itself with air. It looks like a round balloon
with eyes and a mouth.

Leafy sea dragons look like pieces of seaweed. A flounder has both eyes
on one side of its body. You can see the insides of a glass catfish.

These are just a few of the strange fish that live in the world. See
what a hard time you’d have trying to choose the strangest?

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