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Two mammals

Two mammals

This is a looking page. There are lots of things to look at in this
picture of a mother giraffe and

her baby. What do you see?

The mother giraffe has a very long neck. You might think there would be
a lot of bones in such a long neck. But the mother giraffe has no more
bones in her neck than you have in yours! Her bones are just longer.

The mother giraffe’s long neck and long legs make her very tall.
Giraffes are the tallest of all animals.

The two giraffes have spots and squiggles on their bodies. These spots
help the giraffes hide. When a giraffe goes into a bunch of trees, the
spots on its body blend with the leaves. It’s very, very hard to see a
giraffe when it hides among trees.

The two giraffes have tails with big bunches of hah’ on the ends. The
giraffes use then- tails to brush away flies and other insects. The
giraffes’ bodies are covered with smooth fur. Giraffes are mammals and
all mammals have some fur or hah’ on then’ bodies.

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