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Tooth and claw

Tooth and claw

The sun is setting on the cactus and sagebrush of a desert in North
America. A badger is busily digging beside a bush.

Along comes a coyote. It sees the badger and licks its lips with a long,
pink tongue. The coyote is planning to have a badger supper.

The badger tries to run. But the coyote dashes toward it and heads it
off. The badger is trapped.

But suddenly the badger snarls, showing its sharp teeth! It rushes at
the coyote and strikes at it with sharp claws!

The coyote jumps back. It is much bigger than the badger, but it doesn’t
like the looks of the badger’s teeth and claws. The coyote trots off to
find an easier supper. The badger has saved its life by fighting back.

The badger is a good fighter. But even animals that seem harmless will
often fight to keep from being eaten. Zebras, giraffes, and deer kick
with their hard, sharp hoofs. They can make deep, terrible cuts on an
enemy. The harmless-looking ostrich defends itself by kicking, too. A
kick from one of its big feet can break a hyena’s back! When the giant
anteater is in danger it stands up on its back legs and fights with the
sharp claws on its front legs.

An animal uses whatever weapons it has when it is fighting for its life.

Coyote and Badger

The coyote would like to eat the badger, but it’s afraid. The badger
is a good fighter and will defend itself.

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