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This reptile

This reptile

This is a looking page. Look at this turtle.

The turtle’s head looks as if an artist had painted stripes and spots on
it. That’s why this kind of turtle is called a painted turtle.

The turtle’s shell looks hard and shiny and bumpy. When the turtle fears
danger it pulls its head, legs, and tail into the shell. The shell is
too hard for most animals to bite through. So when the turtle hides in
its shell it is usually safe.

Look at the turtle’s toes. On each toe there is a sharp little claw. The
turtle’s feet are webbed. Do you think this helps the turtle swim

The turtle looks as if it is getting ready to go into the water. It
doesn’t look as if it could swim well because of its hard, heavy shell.
But this kind of turtle is a good swimmer.

Painted Turtle

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