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This amphibian

The red-eyed tree frog is an amphibian.

This is a looking page. It can show you many things about this frog, if
you look carefully.

See the frog’s big, round eyes? They are on the very top of its head.
The frog can peek out of the water without having to stick its whole
head above water. Do you think this helps the frog stay safer?

The frog’s back legs look big and strong, don’t they? Big, strong back
legs are what make the frog such a wonderful jumper. And the frog does
all its swimming with its back legs.

The feet on the frog’s back legs are like big flippers. They help the
frog swim.

The frog’s front legs are smaller than its back legs. The frog rests its
front feet on the ground when it sits. Sometimes it uses its front feet
like hands, to push insects and other food into its mouth.

Look at the frog’s skin. If you could touch it, do you think it would
feel bumpy or smooth?

This amphibian

Water Frog

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