The World of the Sea
The World of the Sea
Imagine an animal that has ten eyes, ten arms that shoot poison, and a body made of jelly! There really is such an animal. It’s called a jellyfish and it lives in the sea.The sea is filled with animals. It’s the home of the frogfish and the eight-armed octopus. It’s the home of the flying fish and the conch—a giant snail with a claw and a huge, twisted shell.The sea is the home of animals that swim and float and creep, and of animals that fasten themselves down and never move again. It is the home of some of the tiniest of all animals and of the biggest animal that has ever lived.The sea is a beautiful place. And it’s a frightening place. It’s a wonderland and a fairyland. It’s another world!

The frogfish lives in the sea.

Sea animals
The sea is filled with many kinds of animals. Fish, crabs, oysters, snails, and most other sea animals stay under water all the time. But whales, dolphins, sea turtles, sea snakes, and others…

Meet the mollusks
Snails belong to a group of animals called mollusks. Mollusks have soft bodies with no bones. Some mollusks such as snails, clams, oysters, and scallops have outer shells for protection. Slugs,…

Living in a cup
An animal like a tiny flower floats down through the water of the sea. It fastens itself to the sandy bottom. It takes minerals out of the water and builds a tiny stone cup around itself. After a…

Growing a new arm
Sun Starfish A starfish’s points are its arms. Most starfish have five arms. Some have many more. There’s an animal that has eyes and feet on its arms and turns its stomach inside out when it eats!…