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The life of a grass frog

The life of a grass frog

In early spring, the mother grass frog lays a thousand or more eggs in a
lake or pond. Five days later, tiny wiggly tadpoles come out of the

After two months, the tadpoles grow little legs. A few weeks later
they grow arms. Many tadpoles are eaten by fish and water insects.

The tadpoles swim about, nibbling at plants. They breathe with gills,
like fish. But lungs for breathing air are growing in their bodies.

After three months, the tadpoles can leave the water and breathe air
with their lungs. They are now young frogs. Their short, tadpole tails
will shrink away and vanish.

By summer’s end, the frogs are full grown. During winter they will
hibernate at the bottom of the pond. In the spring they will become
fathers and mothers of new little tadpoles.

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