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The life of a Canada goose

The life of a Canada goose

In early spring a pair of Canada geese pick each other as mates. The
female, at left, will soon lay eggs.

The female makes a nest of grass and feathers. She nestles on her eggs,
warming them.

Look out! An animal is nearby. The goose beats her wings, hisses, and
honks. This frightens the animal away.

Nearly a month passes. Then the wet, weak little goslings push out of
their eggs into the world.

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The life of a Canada goose

The goslings can walk almost at once. After a day, they leave the nest
to look around.

Goslings swim and dive without being taught. Their parents protect them
as they swim.

The 2-week-old goslings waddle about from place to place, learning about

Now, summer is nearly over.

The goslings are 2 months old— nearly old enough to fly.

In the fall, families of geese make ready to fly south. In two or more
years, the young geese will be ready to have families of their own.

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