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The Animal Kingdom

What’s the difference between a pussy willow and a pussycat?For a pussy willow, being alive is grow­ing from a seed in the ground. It is having roots to get water from the ground. It is staying in one place, for pussy willows can’t move around. It is having green leaves that take in the summer sunlight and use it to make food. It is having seeds from which new pussy willows may grow.That’s the way of pussy willows. They are plants.For a pussycat, being alive is being born, and eating, and growing. It is moving around. It is learning about other animals, and playing and making noises. It is grow­ing up and having little kittens.That’s the way of pussycats. They are animals.

The Animal Kingdom

The Animal Kingdom

A sea anemone is an animal.
A kitten is an animal

Plant or animal?

Is this a flower eating a fish? No, this is an animal called a sea anemone eating a fish. Do you know the best way to tell the difference between a plant and an animal? You can’t always tell by…

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Animals move

Plants can’t move from place to place by themselves, but animals move in many different ways. A clam has one foot that it uses for digging into mud or sand. A penguin walks on two legs. A kudu…

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Animals eat

> Earthworm > > An earthworm makes tunnels in the ground by eating through the dirt. > It feeds on bits of plants and leaves in the dirt. > Alfalfa Butterfly > > A butterfly’s proboscis is like…

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New living things

> Baby and Adult Mexican Bean Beetles > > The baby beetle, at left, is very different from the adult. But when > the baby grows up, it will look like the adult. All living things come from other…

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