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Many-Legged Creatures

Many-Legged Creatures

Many-Legged Creatures

Any sunny, summer day, in almost anyback yard, empty lot, or lawn, you can see dozens of wild animals!You’re sure to see the eight-legged crea­ture that catches other animals in a trap. It’s a spider! And you may get to see the wonderful six-legged jumping animal that has its ears on its sides. It’s a grasshopper! And if you find a ring of clay around a hole, it may be the front door of the ten-legged tunnel builder called a crayfish!The world is full of these many-legged creatures. They are called arthropods. They live everywhere—jungles, deserts, oceans, caves, mountaintops, and in your back yard, where you can watch them creep, crawl, hop, dash, fly, hunt, fight, and eat, all summer long.

Six legs

All insects have six legs and two feelers. Most insects have wings. And all insects’ bodies are divided into three parts— head, chest, and stomach. Did a fly ever land on your arm and tickle you?…

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Eight legs

Black Widow Spider Some spiders hang nets of silk from corners or branches. Many people don’t like spiders. But spiders help us. They eat many insects that are harmful to people. Some spiders trap…

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Ten legs

Creeping over the sandy sea bottom is an animal that looks like a big insect. But it has ten legs. Two of the legs have big claws. The animal has long feelers. Its body is covered with a hard shell….

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The beauty of butterflies

Butterflies are very beautiful insects. Artists have painted butterflies, and poets have written about their beauty and grace for many years. Butterflies come in many different sizes, colors, and…

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