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Pulling together

Pulling together

A rowing team is a group of people working together. If each man pulled
his oar when he felt like it, the team would never get anywhere—much
less win a race.

So, like all teams, they have a leader. A rowing team leader is called a
coxswain. He steers the boat. He also calls out the timing to the man
who sits nearest to him. This man sets the pace for the other oarsmen.
This way, they all pull together.

People must often work together to get a job done.

If it is a big job, they will meet to talk about how to do it. Usually,
they appoint or elect a leader. Then they make a plan and discuss how to
carry it out. They make up rules and agree to follow them. The leader
directs the work of the group. He or she sees to it that each person
does his part.

This is the way a team plays a game. This is the way people govern a
town or a country. If we want to get things done, we have to pull

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