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Living Together

A monarch butterfly caterpillar can live wherever there are milkweed plants.

Living Together

Living Together

Everywhere in the world, different kinds of plants and animals live together.Some animals eat plants they live with. Some animals eat other animals they live with. Some animals move far in search of food. Some animals stay near the same place. But all these animals and plants are important to each other—and to us!If it weren’t for some insects, many kinds of plants could not have seeds. If many plant-eating animals didn’t have natural enemies that eat them, the plants would be destroyed. If there were no worms and other tiny creatures that live underground there would be no rich soil for the roots of plants. And if there were no green plants, there would be no animals—and no people.It takes all the plants and animals living together to keep the earth a good place for them—and us—to live in.
A wolverine is the natural enemy of many animals.A grasshopper mouse helps keep the number of grasshoppers down.
A giant panda lives only where k bamboo plants qrow.

Why animals live where they do

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Nature’s clean-up crew

What becomes of the leaves that fall in the forest every autumn? What keeps them from piling up each year and covering the world with leaves? Each spring, millions of baby insects eat into the…

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