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Household pets

Household pets

A pet is an animal friend that lives with you. It may be a big, friendly
St. Bernard dog that licks your nose each morning to wake you up. Or
maybe it’s a fat little hamster that squeaks at you whenever you pass
its cage. Whatever it is, remember that it’s up to you to give it the
care it needs! That’s the most important part of own­ing a pet.

Dog and Cat

Give a dog or cat food and fresh water each day. Give it a warm, clean
place to sleep. Most of all, give it love!


Frisky little animals need exercise. If a mouse or gerbil has a wheel
like this in its cage, it can run as much as it likes.



A hamster is clean and friendly. It will eat stale bread, nuts, fruit,
and vegetables. Its cage should be kept out of bright light.


A goldfish doesn’t need much care. Just keep its water clean and feed it
a tiny bit of fish food or breadcrumbs once a day.

Clean your parakeet’s cage each day and give it fresh seeds and water.
It likes green, leafy vegetables, too.

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