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Helping to save animals


Ducks can’t find food when rivers and ponds are frozen. These men are
breaking the ice so the ducks won’t starve.

Helping to save animals

Many people work to help keep animals from being killed. For some
people, such as game wardens and rangers, helping ani­mals is part of
their job. Other people do what they can just because they like
ani­mals—and want to save them.

Hundreds of sea birds were trapped in oily water in the ocean near
California. People worked to save as many as they could.

Cleaning Water Birds

White-Tailed Deer

This deer was trapped by a flood. The game wardens put it to sleep with
drugs and took it to safety.


There wasn’t enough food where this giraffe lived. It would have
starved. But men caught it and moved it by truck to a place where there
was plenty of food. Whole herds of animals have been saved this way.

Zoos save some kinds of animals by bringing males and females, such as
these oryxes, together. There aren’t many of these oryxes left. But if
these two have babies and the babies grow up and have more babies, there
will soon be more oryxes than there are now. They will be saved from
becoming extinct.

Arabian Oryxes

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