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Feeding time

Feeding time

These are dinners for birds.

Each tray has chopped fruit, grain, and other things birds like.

A tray of food goes into every bird cage. Each bird gets exactly the
right amount of food to keep it healthy.

Wild animals can get their own food, but animals in zoos must be fed by
keepers. So the keepers have to know what kind of food each animal eats
and how much it needs. Feeding the animals is one of the most im­portant
parts of taking care of them.

The zoo must have lots of juicy bamboo plants for the panda every day.
That’s mainly what a panda eats.

Giant Panda

Lions, tigers, and jaguars don’t eat every day in the wild. So they’re
not fed every day in the zoo, either.


Wild deer never get to eat carrots. But the zookeepers know that
carrots are good for a deer.

Red Deer

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