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An animal grows up


As the lion cub grows up, it will learn from its mother and father
many things about being a lion.

An animal grows up

Could a parrot ever roar like a lion? Could a frog learn to fly like a
bird? Could a lion crack seeds as a parrot does?

None of these things could ever happen. Each baby animal grows up to
live the way its parents live. It will look and act and sound like the
animals of its own kind, and like no others.

A lion cub learns to walk and then run. It learns to eat meat. It
growls, then it roars. It learns to hunt other animals for food.

The frog grows up and does all the things frogs do. It hops and croaks
and catches insects with its sticky tongue.

The parrot learns to fly. It easily cracks nuts and seeds with its bill.
It squawks with its noisy voice.

Each animal learns to live the life that all animals of its kind live.
Each animal does the things it must do to stay alive. That’s the way of


A parrot learns to live the way all parrots live. It flies, eats nuts
and seeds, and squawks with its noisy voice.

A frog jumps and swims and croaks because its body is made to do such
things. The frog can’t act any other way.

Green Frog

Animals are everywhere

. . . leaping, creeping, running, and walking-

in forests, deserts, meadows, and snowy places.

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