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My senses

My senses

My world is filled with sights, sounds, smells, and things to touch or
taste. My eyes, ears, fingers, nose, and mouth help me to choose the
things I like.

Sometimes I ask myself questions, “Why do I like to eat an apple? Why do
I like to look at the sea?”

And then I write a poem to see if I can answer me.


Apples are sour, Apples are sweet.

Apples are juicy And nice to eat!

Kenneth Pedersen, Age 8, Wisconsin

I Love To Touch

I like to touch flowers Because they feel like ivory showers, They feel
so soft and tender, They are very nice, They are white as mice Or pink
as roses, Or maybe even green as hoses. No matter what color,

I will always like the way they are.

Erhard Dinda, Age 9, Wisconsin

Soft Noises

I like soft noises.

The sound of the wind blowing People walking on tiptoes And of people
breathing When they sleep or doze.

Karen Warren, Age 8, Texas


Thank you, God, for making me.

And thank you for the big brown tree.

Thank you for the shining sea.

Thank you for my eyes to see.

Karen Martin, Age 7, New York


Flowers smell sweet.

They don’t have feet They have faces, Hanging out of their vases.

Patricia Group, Age 7, New York

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